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Provavelmente a notícia publicada pelo jornal Público sobre a morte da enfermeira que deu informações sobre a duquesa de Cambridge não é das mais importantes do mundo. Por essa razão o artigo recebido na redacção do diário Português, directamente da agência Reuters, foi quase de certeza entregue a um estagiário. A ordem dada pela chefe deve ter sido qualquer coisa como isto: "pega lá nesta peça e traduz isto para Português". E assim foi. Acontece que o jornalista ou a jornalista responsável pela versão doméstica nem sequer soube ligar os pontos do artigo e torná-lo um "pouco mais relevante" para a matriz histórica e cultural de Portugal. Escreve (traduz) o jornalista que "as autoridades do hospital, citadas pela BBC, consideraram Jacintha Saldanha  - de ascendência indiana, mãe de dois filhos" (...). De ascendência Indiana? É óbvio que o apelido Saldanha é de origem Portuguesa. Talvez o jornalista responsável pela peça nunca tenha ouvido falar no Império Ultramarino Português e os filhos deixados no sub-continente Indiano. Pode ser que assim não seja, mas a enfermeira de nome Jacinta Saldanha parece ter relação com um ou outro Saldanha. Em suma, em jeito de leitor irritado pela falta de brio do alegado jornalista, qualquer que seja a matéria a noticiar, existe sempre a possibilidade de acrescentar mais uma dimensão aos factos apresentados. O "profissional" que "não assina" a versão Portuguesa revela falta de brio ou ignorância em relação à própria história do seu país. 


(publicado em primeira mão no blog Caleidoscópio no mesmíssimo formato!)

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3 comentários

De Artur de Oliveira a 08.12.2012 às 16:08

Realmente, eu esperava isso de um certo correio matutino que esta disponível em todas as tascas lusitanas, nao de um jorna para um certo publicozinho...

De The australian a 10.12.2012 às 01:52

EXACTLY why Jacintha Saldanha took her own life on Friday is unclear. The picture that emerges from what her friends and family in India say is of a serious and hard-working woman, far removed from the high-octane and irreverent world of popular Australian radio.

"She was a good Catholic, very disciplined and caring," said Natalya Martis, 46, a classmate at Mangalore's Father Muller Nursing College, a well-respected 125-year-old institution where she studied for four years and at which classes on obstetrics and radio diagnostics are interspersed with bible study groups. "I can't believe she would have committed suicide. I was terribly upset when I heard."

Yesterday, many in the community were still too traumatised to speak. Neighbours said that Ms Saldanha's elderly mother-in-law, Carmine Barboza, had been taken to hospital because of the stress caused by the tragedy. Ms Barboza was said to be stable but deeply distressed by the news of her daughter-in-law's apparent suicide.

Irene D'Souza, Ms Saldanha's sister-in-law, said that the family was in deep shock. She also expressed incredulity about the circumstances of Ms Saldanha's death. "It is hard to believe Jacintha could commit suicide, as she was not such a woman to do it."

She said that Ms Saldanha was planning to come to India to celebrate Christmas with the family, who were planning a party. "But today we are going to the church to pray for her soul and for her children who are going through a bad time."

The lush plains of coastal Karnataka where Ms Saldanha was born and broguht up make up one of India's most alluring regions, a bucolic landscape of palm-fringed waterways, paddy fields and beaches. But the area's beauty obscures something less appealing: a recent history of ethnic tension and the persecution of religious minorities that has encouraged many of its people, especially Christians, to emigrate in search of better opportunities abroad.

Ms Saldanha, the eldest child from a conservative Roman Catholic family in Mangalore, the port city that is the region's biggest hub, was part of this exodus. Like thousands of others, the prospect of better pay and a mounting sense that her community was under siege from right-wing Hindu groups that have attacked churches and led riots, led her to pursue a life overseas.

"These days it's very difficult to find anyone young who actually wants to stay here," said Ryan Matias, a neighbour and friend of the family, which several years ago moved to Shirva, a village near Mangalore and 400km from the state capital of Bangalore. "There is nothing here - no agriculture, no work, nothing," said Mr Matias, who works on a US-owned cruise ship but was visiting for Christmas. "All of the income comes from people working abroad."

Ms Saldanha grew up in Mangalore, attended a local school and graduated from nursing college in 1989. She lived in Mumbai for a time before emigrating to Muscat, where she worked as a nurse for several years and met her husband, Benedict Barboza.

He came from the same tight-knit Mangalorean Catholic community, which numbers only about 360,000 - a small fraction in Karnataka, India's ninth largest state with 61 million people.

After returning to marry in 1993, the couple returned to the Gulf and a few years later settled in Britain, where they made a home and had children, returning to visit their family at least every second year.

Ms Barboza said that the couple called home at least once a week. "They're in our hearts," she said.

"They were last here a year ago - for about 20 days over Christmas," said Mr Matias, who grew up referring to Benedict and Jacintha as "Auntie" and "Uncle". "Jacintha seemed very happy, a very loving and caring woman."

Her cousin Mary said: "Jacintha enjoyed her work and she was committed to her job and her family life was normal too. She must have been very disturbed to take such a drastic step. She had plans to start a nursing centre in India and encouraged several young girls to study medicine."

The Mangalorean Catholics, one of India's oldest Christian communities, have their origins in the 16th century, when the Portuguese launched a campaign of Hindu conversions in nearby Goa. Many have Portuguese surnames as a result of their ancestors' conversion to Catholicism

De John Wolf a 10.12.2012 às 10:09

Dear "Australian",
Thank you so much for sharing Jacintha Saldanha´s story. This is the task that should have been taken forth by Portuguese journalists. There had to be a link to Portugal and the article does the job. It researches in depth the origins of Ms. Saldanha and renders homage to her life.
Best Regards,
John Wolf

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